Brad Goldberg

The Guardian by Brad Goldberg
Brad Goldberg’s The Guardian is sculpted from red granite. Besides being a sculptor, Brad Goldberg has studied ceramics, landscape architecture and kite making. Goldberg has studied at Antioch College at Yellow Springs, Ohio; the University of Denver at Denver, Colorado; S.U.N.Y. College at Purchase, N.Y. and Rhode Island School of Design at Providence, R.I. He also worked as an apprentice to Phyllis Hammond, a New York potter and sculptor, and to Dexter Bacon, an Oregon sculptor.
His previous work was on a proposed park for the village of Lacoste, Vaucluse, France. In Colorado he worked with Japanese sculptor and kite designer Tsutomu Hiroi, and he designed and constructed a small scale sculpture garden for a Denver residence.
Besides giving kite demonstrations throughout Colorado, Goldberg conducted kite making courses and seminars in Westchester County, N.Y. He also taught ceramics to elementary children in Portland, Oregon.
He also worked on the production of a film called “Monumental Sculpture for Today.” It documents the= international sculpture conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. He has also produced a film on “the evolution of sculpture and its relation to landscape architecture, focusing on the work of Isamu Noguchi.”
Goldberg exhibited sculpture and ceramics at the Scarborough Art, Galleries in Scarborough N.Y. He has also exhibited in art and craftsman’s fairs in Rhinebeck, N. Y. and in Pound Ridge, N.Y.
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